Apply a Style
Select the text to stylize, then go to the HOME ribbon. On the right is a Style Gallery—click on the MORE DROP-DOWN button to see a list of character styles. This isn’t all of the styles available, but it’s a great start.
Pick the style, and the text changes accordingly. For example, choosing Heading 1 makes your text 14pt, bold, blue, with 24pt Space Before, Keep With Next, and Keep Lines Together. All that in one click!
Modify an Existing Style
Once you’ve applied a Style throughout a document, modifying that Style updates all instances of it at the same time.
For example, if you change Heading 1 to centered and Page Break Before, all your Heading 1’s instantly jump to the top of a new page and become center aligned.
To trigger this cascading effect, make the changes to the text, then right-click on the STYLE in the Gallery. Choose UPDATE [STYLE] TO MATCH SELECTION.
Create a New Style
If you apply a series of character and paragraph formatting to text, and plan to use that appearance again, turn it into a new Style so that you can apply all the settings instantly in just one click.
Select the formatted text, right-click on it, choose STYLES off the shortcut menu, and then click SAVE SELECTION AS A NEW QUICK STYLE.
Give it a name, and the new Style appears in the Gallery for future use.
Buy the Book
For the complete collection of time-saving tips and tricks, buy my book, Microsoft Word 2010 Tips & Tricks. Available in eBook, iBook, Multi-touch, and paperback versions.
The image at the top includes my favorite way to change a style or create a new one. A drop-down list of styles used in the document, instead of the bulky style ribbon. That list is hard to find in Word these days. What is it called? I’ve added it to my favorites bar on a previous computer, but can’t find it now.
On a PC, use the fly-out button in the bottom corner of Styles. On a Mac, it’s on the drop-down menu.
This was helpful but this really doesn’t explain the use of the styles.
Hi Zoe,
I’m glad you found a little bit of it helpful. In the space of one blog post, there’s not room for a full lesson. But I cover styles in-depth in my Word Tips and Tricks book, and it’s only $14.95! You can get it in paperback, or in your favorite electronic format.
If you have any specific questions, I would be happy to answer them.